MISSION STATEMENT: To provide a neutral, courteous and fair forum for the trial of all Class C Misdemeanor offenses arising under Texas civil and criminal statues and city ordinances. The presiding Judge of this court is appointed by the Commerce City Council to preserve, protect and defend the United States Constitution, the Texas Constitution and the laws of this state.

The three separate but equal branches of government are the Executive Branch (City Manager and all departments including the Police Department), the Legislative Branch (City Council), and the Judicial Branch (Municipal Court). This court and its officers represent the Judicial Branch of the City of Commerce government.

This court and its officers are dedicated to the principals of impartiality, fairness, integrity, separation of powers and judicial independence. These are the principals upon which our country was founded and to which the court is committed in its role as the Judicial branch of our local government.

Hours of Operation:

  • Monday – Thursday – (8:15 a.m. – 4:15 p.m.)
    • Closed for Lunch – (12:00 p.m. – 1:00 p.m.)

Contact Information

1119 Alamo Street
Commerce, Texas 75428
Phone: (903) 886-1132
Fax: (903) 886-1136


Presiding Judge – Lana Adams
Prosecutor – Jay Garrett
Please address questions to: city.court@commercetx.org