- Stay with your vehicle. It provides excellent temporary shelter and makes it easier for rescuers to find you.
- Tie a bright colored cloth to the antenna to signal distress, or keep the dome light on, if you think the battery is strong enough. If at nighttime, you should have emergency road lights that signal distress.
- Don’t try to push your vehicle or dig it out of the snow. Overexerting yourself could cause a heart attack. If your door lock is frozen, squirt de-icer on the lock or carefully heat the end of your key with a match or lighter. Don’t pour hot water on a frozen lock.
- Make sure your exhaust pipe is not clogged with snow or ice. A blocked pipe can cause deadly carbon monoxide gas to leak into the car when the engine is running. For fresh air, open a window slightly on the side away from the wind and make sure snow or frost does not block ventilation.
- Run the engine and heater for short periods only. Stay warm by rapidly moving your arms and legs, breathing deeply and covering yourself with a blanket, car mats, newspapers or other similar materials you might have in your car.
WHAT TO DO IF YOU GET STRANDEDadmin2010-04-19T17:40:14-05:00