WARNING SIREN INFORMATIONadmin2017-04-03T10:28:10-07:00
The first Wednesday of every month the tornado warning sirens will automatically be activated at noon. If severe weather is forecast, or is observed in the area, the monthly test will be postponed until the next monthly noon test to avoid confusion.
The monthly tests are conducted to test the operation of the sirens and to familiarize the citizens with the sound of the siren, should a tornado ever strike.
Tornado sirens have been installed to alert the citizens of Commerce who may be outdoors during the time a tornado warning is issued by the National Weather Service for the City of Commerce or Hunt County. The sirens are not intended to alert people indoors during a warning. It is highly recommended that each residence, business, school and church purchase weather alert radios that are automatically activated during severe weather occurrences. More information can be obtained on the radios by calling the Commerce Police Department at 903/886-1139.
ThorGuard – This outdoor warning system alerts people on the Texas A&M University – Commerce campus and the residents of Commerce when there is a 20% chance of a lightning strike within 2 miles of the campus. ThorGuard has sensors that detect lightning and will automatically sound a “Red Alert”. This is an air horn blast that is 15 seconds in length. To hear the alarm, click on the link below.
Lightning Alarm System -Red Alert
When conditions are deemed safe by ThorGuard, the “All Clear” will sound. The “All clear” consists of three (3) air horn blasts that are 5 seconds in length. To hear the alarm, click on the link below.
Lightening Alarm System – All Clear
Tornado Warning – This outdoor warning system was installed to alert citizens of Commerce and the A&M – Commerce campus community when a tornado has been sighted or conditions are favorable. It is manually activated and will be done by the dispatchers at the Commerce Police Department or the Texas A&M University – Commerce Police Department. The alarm’s warning consists of a loud siren that has only one sound and will NOT give an all clear sound after the danger has passed. When you hear the tornado warning siren you should take cover immediately. The City of Commerce Division of Emergency Management will also interrupt cable broadcasting during this time. The tornado warning siren is designed to be heard outdoors and may not be audible indoors. To protect yourselves and your family you may purchase the To hear the alarm, click on the link below.
Tornado Warning System Alarm