Airport Advisory Board
- 7 member board, two year terms
- Meets as needed in City Council Chambers at City Hall, 1119 Alamo
- Advises City Council on strategic planning and development of the Commerce Municipal Airport
- Members: Craig Jensen, Jim Johnson, Russell Armstrong, Tim Sullivan, Matthew Wood, Ted Oats & 1 Vacancy
Animal Shelter Advisory Committee
- Members: Dr. Jon Manning (Veterinarian), Jim Ayres (Council Member), Brandon Wooton (Animal Control Officer), McKenzie McMahan (Animal Welfare Organization), Lisa Coffee (Citizen), Vacant (Citizen)
Beautification Commission
- 8 member board, two year terms
- Meets on the forth Thursday of the month in the Michael “PeeWee” Walker Conference Room at City Hall
- Members: Sharon Duncan, Nancy Ogden, Patricia Cifuentes, Kerryn Peccina, & Nickolas Scott.
- City Council Ex Officio Member: Stephanie Muller
Board of Adjustments
- 5 member board with 4 alternates, two year terms
- Meets as needed on the second Tuesday of the month in the Michael “PeeWee” Walker Conference Room at City Hall, 1119 Alamo
- Serves as an appeal body for individuals seeking variances to the Zoning Ordinance or to a decision made by an administrative official enforcing the ordinance.
- Members: Michael Ryer. Alton Biggs, Dennis Anderson, Matt Brockway, Johnny Flowers & 4 Vacancies (Alternate)
Building Standards Committee
- 5 member board with 4 alternates, two year terms
- Meets on the 3rd Thursday of the month in the Michael “PeeWee” Conference Room at City Hall, 1119 Alamo
- Empowered to enforce ordinances
- Members: Alton Biggs, Willie Blow, Anne Mills, Harvetta Henry, Lamar Bridges, Dixie Turman (Alternate), Barbara Shwiff (Alternate), & Kathy Myers (Alternate)
City Council
- 5 member board, three year staggered terms
- Meets on the third Tuesday of the month in the City Council Chambers at City Hall, 1119 Alamo
- Members: Mayor Teddy Reel, Mayor Pro Tem Anthony Henry, Council Members: Stephanie Muller, Beckey Thompson & Jim Ayres
Commerce Economic Development Corporation
- 7 member board, three year terms
- Meets the fourth Wednesday of the month in the Micheal “PeeWee” Walker Conference Room at City Hall.
- Members: Scott Ward, Stan McKee, Michael Glas, Dr. Brent Donham, Joe Shipman, Mandy Freeman & Dan Luckett
- City Council Ex-Officio Member: Beckey Thompson
Commerce Water District
- 5 member board, two year terms
- Meets as needed the second Wednesday of the month in the Council Chambers at City Hall
- Members: Gene Casselberry, Janet Duncan, Janet Peek, Bill Husbands, Vacant
Parks and Recreation
- 7 member board, two year terms
- Meets on the second Wednesday of the month in the Michael “PeeWee” Walker Conference Room at City Hall.
- Members: Ray Green, Kathleen Hooten, Debra Farquhar, Jennie Reynolds, Andrew Baker, Brett Scroggins & Anthony Henry II
Planning and Zoning
- 7 member board, two year terms
- Meets on the first Tuesday of the month in the Michael “PeeWee” Walker Conference Room at City Hall
- Members: Michelle Ramos-Martinez, Terry Harris, Gary Thompson, Thomas Deaton, Carolyn Trezevant & Jayson Douglas
*Contact Molly Jacobsen for more information about any of the boards listed above @