FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONSadmin2011-12-02T07:20:51-05:00
Where is the Commerce Police Department located?
We moved into a new facility on June 1, 2007. We are located at 1103 Sycamore Street, Commerce, Texas 75428. Our phone number is (903) 886-1139 and our fax is (903) 886-8575.
What are the hours of the Commerce Police Department?
Normal business hours for the Commerce Police Department are 8am to 5pm. Our Communications Center is open 24 hours a day.
Does Commerce Police Department participate in the Crime Stoppers Program?
Yes. We participate with the Hunt County Crime Stoppers Program. Their phone number is (903) 457-2929. Their website is
I would like an officer to do a community program. What do I do?
You can call our office at (903) 886-1139, or you can email Alex Suarez at or Chief Kerry Crews at
I received a citation. How do I take care of it?
You must contact Commerce Municipal Court to take care of citations. You can contact them by phone at (903) 886-1132 or visit their website by following this link:
Commerce Municipal Court
How do I get a copy of my criminal history?
Criminal Histories are available from the Texas Department of Public Safety. You can contact them at (512) 424-2000 or visit the following link:
Texas Dept of Public Safety
How do I get copies of reports (accident, offense, etc)? Cost?
Copies of reports are available at our office located at 1103 Sycamore Street, Commerce, Texas. You must complete a
records request form for the report you are requesting. You may submit your request for reports via mail with a postage paid, self addressed envelope. The cost of accident reports is $4.00. There is no cost for offense or incident reports.
How do I get my fingerprints taken? Do I have to provide fingerprint cards? Cost?
Fingerprints can be taken at any time. However, there are times when officers are on calls and cannot return to the department immediately. You may be asked to come back at a later time to have your fingerprints taken. We will attempt to the best of our ability to assist you in a timely manner. Some agencies require you to use their fingerprint cards (applicant cards), however, we can provide generic fingerprint cards if you request. The cost of having your fingerprints taken is $5.00. There is no additional cost to use our cards.
Do I have to be certified before I can apply for a job?
For the position of Police Officer, you must be certified or can become certified before you can be hired. For any civilian position with the Commerce Police Department, you do not have to be certified.